Finding Your Fellow Mensans

We know about what is going on in our local group through M-Pathy, our website (, facebook pages (SEMM and SEMMantics) and occasional special emails if American Mensa has your current email address and you have given permission to share it within AML.  (See to see how to do this.)

But do you think about connecting with Mensans when you travel?  Thanks to the internet, that is much, much easier than it used to be.

If you have a question about something where you will be travelling, don’t forget the SIGHT Program.  Most American Mensa groups also have SIGHT coordinators.  Go to groups to find contact information for local group officers across the country.  Also see for additional information on the program.  If you need more help, our SIGHT Coordinator is John Voymas (see inside the back cover for contact information for all the SEMM Officers).

If you just want to see if anything is happening when you are going to be somewhere, go to group Newsletters for over 140 newsletters from A-Q-Men to WoMensa.  You can do the same in over 45 countries by going to International, where you simply click on the country to get their contact information.  Ed and I have met with Mensans on every continent buy Antarctica, which has led to unforgettable experiences.

And how many of you have discovered the fantastic possibilities of US.Mensa/org/Connect/Member directory?  Want to know who else shares your name?  No problem.  How about who lives around you?  Fill in a zip code and hit search.  Maybe you need the email address or phone number of someone you met at a Mensa event.  You guessed it—two clicks and you can find it if they have given permission to display their information.  You can even search for others who share your interests from a huge list that runs from accounting to Yoga/Pilates.

One of the primary benefits of Mensa is networking.  Here’s hoping you will make good use of that ability soon.

Jean K. Becker

Communications Officer