On October 4, 1957, in an unprecedented display of technology, the Soviet Union caught the world’s attention, with the orbiting of Sputnik, the earth’s first artificial satellite. This shiny metal ball, only 23 inches in diameter circled the earth every 96 minutes, beeping out a radio signal that proclaimed the USSR’s technical superiority to the world. This event marked a milestone in a competition between the USA and USSR, which had begun in 1945, at the end of World War II, and would not end until July 20, 1969, when Neil Armstrong took ”one small step for a man” on the moon. This presentation reviews the circumstances, events and the personalities of that epic struggle for political, military, and technical dominance in Rocket Science, which was a highlight of the “Cold War”, and captured the imagination of the world for over 30 years.
Guiding us on our trip through the cosmos will be, Jim Shedlowsky, a former Warren Astronomical Society treasurer and rockabilly legend. Jim worked for 36 years at General Motors as a Vehicle Development Engineer/Manager, retiring in 1999. He graduated from the University of Michigan in 1960 with a degree in Engineering Physics and spent two years as an Artillery officer in the US Army in Germany. In his spare time, he wrote and recorded music for Epic and Roulette Records as one of the “Skee Brothers”.
Jim’s astronomical interests include observing and outreach, and he owns several telescopes, but in recent years his “passion” for astronomical history and technology has become a major factor. He is a member of the McMath-Hulbert Astronomical Society, has visited a number of major observatories, and has assembled a significant library in this regard. Jim and his wife winter in Mesa, Arizona (…a great place for observing), where he participates in the activities of the East Valley Astronomy Club.
Join us on Saturday October 21 to learn more about the space race and to hear Jim sing “The Rocket Science Song”. Doors open
at 7:00pm. The program begins at 8:00pm.
Saturday, October 21, 2017
Mingling begins at 7:00pm, program at 8:00pm
ADMISSION (Exact change appreciated)
Adult members: $4, or a strip of 4 tickets for $12
Adult guests: $5
Children 12 and under: $2
Members receive free admission
in the month of their birthday
Northwest Unitarian Universalist Church
23925 Northwestern Highway
Southfield, MI 48075
The gathering adjourns to –
31646 Northwestern Highway
Farmington Hills, Michigan 48334