May Monthly Gathering – How to Put a Man on the Moon!

In a speech he delivered on September 12, 1962, President John F. Kennedy, characterized outer space as “a new frontier”, and declared “We choose to go to the Moon…” His words gave rise to what became Project Apollo, one of the most remarkable endeavors of human history. The project resulted in landing the first humans on the Moon, on July 20, 1969, followed by four subsequent lunar landings, the last of which occurring in 1972. Despite these impressive achievements, NASA’s major projects following Apollo, most notably the Space Shuttle and International Space Station, failed to capture the public imagination the way the Apollo Project did.

Joining us on May 18th, to help gain a better understanding of Project Apollo, will be Clifford Marko. Cliff started his career in journalism and covered the US space program from Project Apollo, and on from there. Cliff has enjoyed a multidimensional professional life as an Attorney, Corporate Counsel, President/CEO and radio/TV producer, reporter, and on-air host.

The program takes place on Saturday, May 18th, at Northwest Unitarian Universalist Church in Southfield. 23925 Northwestern Hwy Southfield, MI 48075

Doors open at 5pm. The program begins at 6pm. Please note the new starting time! Following the presentation, join us for dinner at Fishbone’s Cafe, located on the North side of Northwestern, 1500 feet North of 12 Mile, to socialize. The address is: 29244 Northwestern Hwy, in Southfield.