Program 7:00pm (EDT), Saturday, October 19, 2024:

The search for alien life outside our Solar System has centered on searching for radio signals or laser signals from exoplanets orbiting distant stars. This search is supported by the discovery of thousands of exoplanets, with the reasonable expectation that there are billions of them in our galaxy. However, after several decades of listening for such signals, none have been found.
In our own solar system, the hope is now that we may find microbial life on places like Mars or Jupiter’s moon Europa, or at least evidence that such life once existed there.
The newest technique for searching for alien life is to examine exoplanet atmospheres for biogases such as oxygen that would at least be indicative of primitive life. This field of study is in its infancy.
Finally, there are claims that intelligent aliens are already here on Earth, and that possibility will also be discussed.
Join us at 7:00 P.M., on Saturday, October 19, when Dr Dale Partin will lead us in our search for life elsewhere in the universe. Dr. Partin has been a member of the Warren Astronomical Society since 1998, and has been an officer for many of those years. He currently serves as WAS’s First Vice President. He has a B.S. and M.S. in physics and a Ph.D. in electrical engineering. His work has been published in over 80 scientific journals, he has 38 patents, is a fellow of the American Physical Society, a member of Sigma Xi and of the American Scientific Affiliation. He had a career in industrial research, and now teaches astronomy at Macomb Community College.
Please note that this program will be presented live and on Zoom. You can attend the live presentation, for a chance to also mingle with your fellow Mensans and guests, at our usual location:
Northwest Unitarian Universalist Church in Southfield
23925 Northwestern Highway
Southfield, MI 48075
Doors open at 6:30pm (EDT). The program begins at 7:00pm.
Ticket prices for the in-person program are:
Adult members: $5m or buy a strip of 4 tickets for $15. Adult guests: $6, Children 12 & under: $2
Members receive free admission in the month of their birthday.
Following the presentation, please join us for dinner at Buddy’s Pizza, located at 31646 Northwestern Highway, in Farmington Hills, just northeast of Middlebelt Road.
If you can’t join us in person, the Zoom room opens at 6:30pm (EDT) for mingling.
There is no charge for the Zoom presentation, but, due to rising costs, (Meetup charges alone are up 70% this year!) your donation via PayPal is greatly appreciated. Please donate $5! To donate go to , log in, and click on the “Send” button. Enter the e-mail address: , click on “Next”, fill-in your payment amount, and in the “What’s this for” dialogue box enter: “SEMM Zoom Presentations.” Click “next”, select your payment method, and click “send”.
Please remember that all attendees need to pre-register by clicking on the following link: