January Monthly Gathering – The Einstein Effect: How the world’s favorite genius got into our cars, our bathrooms and our minds

Almost all of us have heard of Albert Einstein, best known for developing the theory of relativity, as well as important contributions to quantum mechanics. His mass–energy equivalence formula E = mc2, has been called “the world’s most famous equation.” He received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics. But Albert Einstein’s genius continues to impact our everyday lives in so many ways you may not realize – from science and technology to his status as a pop culture icon and his legacy as a humanitarian rescuing refugees and fighting in the civil rights movement. For his book, “The Einstein Effect,” our guest speaker journalist Benyamin Cohen spent years tracking down lesser-known stories about Einstein (e.g., Did you know the pathologist performing Einstein’s autopsy stole his brain?) to learn why Einstein is more relevant today than ever.

Albert Einstein was the first modern-day celebrity and, decades after his death still has the world’s most recognizable face. His influence is seen in much of the technology we use every day: GPS, remote controls, weather forecasts, and even toothpaste. His legacy underpins the search for aliens, rescue of refugees, quest for time machines, and debunking fake news. He appears in new books, TV shows, and movies, and fans are paying millions for Einstein relics at auction.

Join us at 7 p.m., on Saturday, January 18, when Benyamin Cohen, journalist and award-winning author of “The Einstein Effect: How the world’s favorite genius got into our cars, our bathrooms and our minds”, gives us a fascinating and funny overview of history’s favorite genius?and explains why he still matters. 

Benyamin Cohen is the News Director of “The Forward” and was the founding editor of both “Jewsweek” and “American Jewish Life” magazine. Cohen is also the author of “My Jesus Year: A Rabbi’s Son Wanders the Bible Belt in Search of His Own Faith”, named one of the best books of the year by Publishers Weekly and for which he received the Georgia Author of the Year award. He is based in Morgantown, West Virginia, where he lives with his wife, three dogs, and a flock of chickens known as the Co-Hens. For more information: www.benyamincohen.com.

Please note that this program will be presented only via Zoom.

The Zoom room opens at 6:30 pm (EST) for mingling. The program starts at 7:00 pm (EST).  

There is no charge for the Zoom presentation, but, due to rising costs, (Meetup charges alone are up 70% this year!) your donation via PayPal is greatly appreciated. Please donate $5! To donate go to paypal.com, login, and click on the “Send” button. Enter the e-mail address: treasurer@nullmensadetroit.com , click on “Next”, fill in your payment amount, and in the “What’s this for” dialogue box enter: “SEMM Zoom Presentations.” Click “Next”, select your payment method, and click “Send”.

Please remember that all attendees need to pre-register by clicking on the following link: https://tinyurl.com/SEMM-2025-Gathering.