Talk 7:00pm (EST), Saturday, September 16, 2023
A combination of advancing technologies and climate change concerns is driving a rapid transition in how we produce and use energy. The shift to solar and wind energy generation is well underway in the electric power industry, though unevenly across the country. Electric vehicles are now mass produced and capturing growing market share. There are government calls to switch to electric heating, and end natural gas pipeline connections.
What can we expect during this transition?
Leading us in this discussion will be John Richter, Senior Policy Analyst and board member, of the Great Lakes Renewable Energy Association. Mr. Richter will cover such topics as: What is climate change? Why is the CO2 level rising? Prior transitions from wood, coal, oil, gas, and nuclear, and more.
John Richter is a co-founder of the Institute for Sustainable Energy Education (ISEE). He’s an expert witness in Michigan Public Service Commission cases and he has presented to the U.S. Congressional Staff on wind energy policy impacts. He has also presented renewable energy policy recommendations to Michigan Legislators and staff. He has a Master’s degree in Renewable Energy from Murdoch University, and taught solar energy at Macomb Community college. He has been a regular speaker at renewable energy conferences for more than two decades.
Please note that this program will be presented live and on Zoom. You can attend the live presentation, for a chance to also mingle with your fellow Mensans and guests, at our usual location:
Northwest Unitarian Universalist Church in Southfield
23925 Northwestern Highway
Southfield, MI 48075
Doors open at 6:30 p.m. (EDT). The program begins at 7:00 p.m. (EDT). Please note that starting with this month’s gathering, admission prices for the live presentation will increase to $5 for Mensa Members, $6 for non-Mensans. Checks will no longer be accepted at SEMM events.
Following the presentation, please join us for dinner at Buddy’s Pizza, located at 31646 Northwestern Highway, in Farmington Hills, just northeast of Middlebelt Road.
Donations welcome. If you’d prefer to participate on Zoom, you’ll need to pre-register by clicking on the following link: https://tinyurl.com/SEMM-0923-Gathering , The event’s Zoom URL and instructions for connecting will only be sent to those who are pre-registered. There is no charge for the Zoom presentation, but, due to rising costs, your donation via PayPal is greatly appreciated. The amount is up to you. To donate go to http://www.paypal.com and click on the “Send Money” tab. Enter the e-mail address treasurer@nullmensadetroit.com and your payment amount. The Zoom room opens at 6:30 p.m. (EDT). for mingling.