Mensa Scholarship Essay Competition Closes in Two Weeks

UPDATE: The essay competition has closed.

The Mensa Scholarship Essay competition opened September 15, 2017 and will remain open until 11:59 p.m. Central Time, January 15, 2018.

The Mensa Foundation scholarship program is an essay contest that is open to all students who are enrolled in a U.S. college or university in the academic year following the award. Applicants write 550-word essays that describe their educational and/or career goals. Entries are judged solely on content – including grammar. No financial information needed or considered for awards. You do not have to be a member to be eligible for the public scholarships, and there also are 2 scholarships for a Mensa member and/or member’s dependent.


There are 3 unrestricted National Awards, 2 unrestricted Local Awards, and 4 unrestricted Regional Awards.

In addition, there are restricted special category scholarships for:

  1. Graduate student planning a career in professional writing, teaching English grammar and/or writing.
  2. Study of aeronautical engineering or an aerospace field.
  3. A female returning to school after any absence of 7 or more years.
  4. Pursuing a degree in Natural Sciences or Mathematics.
  5. Study for an undergraduate liberal arts degree (BA or AA)
  6. Graduate study in history.
  7. Study in journalism.
  8. Pursuing a degree in the Art, including creative writing and journalism.
  9. Pursuing a degree in the Fine Arts.
  10. For a Veteran.
  11. For study in interpersonal communication, mediation or related study.
  12. Study in Fine Arts that include applied arts such as architecture, photography, ceramics and textiles.
  13. For an LGBT applicant.

Four scholarships were new last year:

  1. 4 Paws and a Tail ? $600.00
    Restricted to graduate level studies or continuing education of an established Veterinarian
  2. Dr. Peter M. Kendall Science Scholarship ? $600.00
    Restricted to the Natural Sciences including but not limited to Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, Geology, Environmental Science, Forestry, Pre?Med, Pre?Dent
  3. STEM Scholarship ? $2,000.00
    For natural and applied science, technology, and math majors
  4. Carol Martinez Scholarship ? $2,500.00
    Restricted to the field of information technology

To apply go to:

Announcing SEMMantics 39!

Southeast Michigan Mensa Regional Gathering

SEMMantics 39
April 20-22, 2018

Detroit Metro Airport Marriott
30559 Flynn Drive
Romulus, Michigan 48174

To get $99/$109 hotel rate, go to or call 734-729-7555 before March 30, 2018


Full Weekend
Through 1/31: $85
Through 4/6: $100
4/7-onward: $140
Saturday Only
Through 4/6: $70
4/7-onward: $90

*Guests of Members add $25
*Family Rates Available

Online registration coming in January.
Paper Registration Form

Watch for more information.

American Mensa Announces a New Voucher Program

American Mensa has just announced an exciting new program that will give every current Mensa member a voucher that they may give to any non-member to either submit prior evidence or sit for a supervised test for free.

This one time offer will run from October 1, 2017 until March 31, 2018. Prospective new members must provide the code at the time they ask to join a test session or submit their prior evidence to have the normal fee waived. See for information on redeeming the one time voucher.

There are two ways to join Mensa: testing and prior evidence. Test sessions are scheduled regularly. Write to testing@MensaDetroit, call 2734.281.2726, or register online at the admission test. The Mensa test is designed for ages 14 and older.

Did you know that many people who could be members may already have test scores that qualify them to join? The second way to join AML is to submit qualifying scores from familiar tests many of us have taken. Go to qualifying testing to see a list of the most common tests that are accepted as well as instructions for how to find documentation and submit it.

Ask your Mensa member friends to provide you with the code to
save $60. There will never be a better time to join us!