Free Screening of “Gifted” for Mensa Members
FOX Searchlight has extended free screenings of its newest release, “Gifted,” for members of American Mensa in select areas. Frank Adler (Chris Evans), is a single dad raising a child prodigy — his spirited young niece, Mary (Mckenna Grace) — in a coastal Florida town. Frank’s plans for a normal school life for Mary are disrupted when the 7-year-old’s mathematical abilities come to the attention of Frank’s formidable mother, Evelyn (Lindsay Duncan), whose plans for her granddaughter threaten to separate Frank and Mary.
The showing in the Detroit area is on 4/4/2017 at 7:00 PM at AMC Livonia 20, 19500 Haggerty Rd.
If you would like to attend, visit this link:
All seats will be on a first-come, first-served basis. “Gifted” releases in select theaters April 7 and nationwide April 21.
MAGC Scholarships
*** UPDATE: The deadline has passed. ***
The Michigan Association for Gifted Children is pleased to announce that in 2017 it will once again offer Summer Scholarships. This year, two $300 scholarships will be awarded. Interested students can use our online application, which provides applicants with an easy, streamlined method of applying.To be eligible for this scholarship, applicants must be nominated by a current MAGC member (parent, teacher, family friend, etc.). You can also become an MAGC member in order to sponsor someone. Membership is only $25 per year, and you can join online using the Membership Application. Membership status will be verified prior to award announcements. Winners must agree to submit verification that the scholarship money was used as planned, as well as a short review of the summer experience for possible publication in the MAGC newsletter.The online application will be available from now until the deadline of 11:59 p.m., Wednesday, March 1, 2017- less than a week from now. Applications must be received online by the deadline to be considered for an award. There are no exceptions to the due date. Scholarship recipients will be notified by Friday, March 31, 2017. Check out the website,, for more information, or go directly to the scholarship application form at scholarship application.We look forward to hearing from you, and good luck to all our applicants!
How to Login to the New American Mensa Webpage
Why am I not in the Membership Milestones or Birthdays?
From time to time a SEMM member asks why they were skipped on the birthday list or not recognized when they reach a Mensa Membership Milestone. These (and the Directory Updates) are fun regular features in M-Pathy brought to you by John Senko and Toby Berger, our Editor.
Each month, John goes to get the long SEMM information list and slices and dices to make these features that so many members enjoy. He is another of those “behind the scenes” volunteers that without which we would not have the benefits of a large Mensa local group that we too often take for granted.
However, he only has available to him the information that you, the member, agree to release to the local group. If you have not checked that box on your Communication Preferences, we have no way of knowing when it is your special day, or when you achieve one of those important milestones. This is similar to not knowing your email address to notify you if something happens last minute, or a new activity is added after the newsletter deadline.
If you have not seen your name in print, but would like to get your proper recognition, go to and select “Membership Profile” under “My Mensa”. Click on “My Communication Preferences” in the “My Account Links” box in the upper right.
Edit if necessary to check “Release Internal” under “Releases”. Check things you wish to share under “Member Directory”. The format is clear on the webpage and easier to do than it is to tell about. If you do not have access to the website or have any trouble, phone the National Office at817-607-0060.
If you check the box “Release the above email address within the organization” you will share your information with us, but this will NOT result in your receiving M-Pathy electronically unless you want to. In “Publication Preferences” you check the box that about whether you want M-Pathy in paper form or electronically.